In this section, we are going to talk about the key points of deployments to avoid most problems during deployment.

Build Tools#

As Prerequisites mentioned, you’ll need to set up those tools on your deployment environment.

Installing Dependencies#

We use NPM for managing the theme’s dependencies, it’s necessary to install the dependencies on deployment environment, since we SHOULD NOT commit the node_modules folder.

1$ npm i

npm i is the shortcut of npm install.

The package.json and package-lock.json MUST be committed, npm relies on the former, the later will save the installation time.

Building Site#

It’s time to build the site after installing the dependencies.

1$ hugo --gc --minify
  • --minify minify the final HTML.

You can change the baseURL via the -b flag.

The command generated the site and save it under the public directory by default.

Deploying Site#

This step depends on the which deployment methods you use.

Deployment Methods#

  1. Docker
  2. GitHub Pages
  3. Netlify
  4. Cloudflare Pages
  5. Find more on Hosting & Deployment

Further Reading#